Dust | Fantasy Female Elf

This fantasy illustration titled "Dust", was created from scratch in the Procreate app on the iPad Pro.

This fantasy illustration titled "Dust", was created from scratch in the Procreate app on the iPad Pro.

My painting process in full length Procreate export.

Here is the reference comparison for this illustration.

Here is the reference comparison for this illustration.

This fantasy illustration titled "Dust", was created from scratch in the Procreate app on the iPad Pro. What started as a stylization of a reference photo provided by Noah and Rachel Bradley turned into a full illustration. There are so many great reference packs to be had on Artstation, that you can find whatever you're looking for. One thing I notice though is I struggle to move away from the reference and into my own illustration. That was the focus of this painting. I hope you enjoy watching the process, as this is closer to real time than most of my videos.